Review: Braid

  • Platform: Xbox360 (via Xbox Live Arcade)
  • Genre: Puzzle / 2D-Advanture
  • Rating: Everyone (10+)

If you take it purely as entertainment, Braid is nearly flawless. Taken it as an artistic work, it’s like an ambitious film that just overreaches its limits, flawed in an interesting and compelling way. As a whole, it is gripping and original far beyond conventional videogames, and is the perfect antidote for the current sequel-driven industry. At first blush, Braid seems like an exceptionally beautiful Super Mario Brothers knock-off, but there are numerous twists that extend its definition far beyond that.

To put it simply, Braid is a 2D platform game stars a guy named Tim. In this game, you can almost run through Braid‘s levels without a problem, but the true objective is to search out the puzzle pieces in each level, which you can then assemble into still photos that connect thematically to that level, and in order to do that, you control time. Simply by pressing the X button, the time rewinds almost everything, Tim, the enemies, the environment and even the music. This is the pivot point of some of the game’s best puzzles, and it becomes the primary tool you will be using until you reach the game’s shattering conclusion. As you progress through the six or five worlds, you will notice that you will have to think about time manipulation, and especially how to manipulate time with objects that respond differently to it, as each world produces a specific theme or mechanic for time manipulation. This consistent underlying logic ensures that you hardly ever feel cheated by the design. Braid certainly feels like a game that spent a year or two being polished.

By virtue of the imagery alone, Braid presents a true special experience. From the first moment you boot up it up, as it bypasses a title screen in favor of beginning play immediately; you’ll be struck by the look. Braid is like a painting in motion, with lush swirling colors and expressive caricatures. What’s most impressive is how effectively the visuals convey the mood of every area. From light and breezy meadows to disturbingly lifeless parodies of levels you have completed before, there’s instant emotional impact every time you enter a new area. It works as the bridge that gives you to a sense that there’s more going on here than just some tricky puzzles. You’ll also appreciate the soundtrack. Like the visuals, they capture the desired mood, though with it switching between being played forward and backward at the whim of the player, it never quite hits a rhythm. Still, the music is an appropriate mix of mellowness, melancholy, and nostalgia. An absolute musical masterpiece!

It’s pretty important to say that the puzzles can be incredibly frustrating sometimes to the point you would think there is a flaw in the game’s mechanics, and there are moments where will you reaching for GameFAQs every so often. My advice: don’t do it. Braid isn’t about the puzzles and the jigsaw pieces; it’s about the collective, emotional experience you receive at the end. In the later levels, you will absolutely have to think outside the box and try to reflect creatively to solve each puzzle you encounter because the game demands you to be creative.

Even though I usually don’t state anything about the ending of the games, but I’d like you to pay attention at what happens during the end, and also go through the books that were presented at each chapter because the conclusion that you will derive eventually will shatter any thought you might have had of enjoying Braid only for its gameplay. I won’t spoil the end, but do you remember all those times when you spent a great deal of skill and brainpower to finish a game, and were rewarded with a pleasant, tidy ending. Well, Braid‘s ending is the precise opposite. And it is powerful in such a way that you will more likely than not want to start digging into the story a lot more than you did. If you start digging enough, you’ll find out about an alternate ending, which puts an even more interesting spin on things. Without spoiling anything, what you must do to get it affects your understanding of the ending itself.

Life is short. Time is precious yet we waste plenty of it. There’s plenty of money in the world, and fifteen dollars worth of Microsoft Points isn’t much. With beautifully crafted and wonderfully realized mechanics, Braid is a shining example of the intersection between art and technology, love and loss, desire and despondence. In other words, Braid is beautiful. Beautiful is Braid.

Overall Score

9.5 out of 10

10 responses to this post.

  1. Really not my type of game! Soul Caliber is my thing! hehehe


  2. This is one of the few few games that makes me take gaming seriously, plot-wise. Sure there are tons of good stories there, and either way it’s all about the gameplay itself in the end, but Braid had proven me wrong and I am still amazed. If you present this game to a normal, casual player he’ll have a blast breezing through it and probably will applaud it’s innovative level design even if he doesn’t give a slightest bit of an interest in the plot. It builds up a great momentum in every single aspect whether you’re pointing at the visuals, music, atmosphere or plot — you name it. Such a beautiful game. Words indeed aren’t enough to express my true feelings towards it.

    Definitely my GOTY for this year.


  3. Hehehehe well this is not good 😛 well I wish you are enjoying it ^^


  4. wow…that’s a high score, to tell u the truth, 2D games really have something fun about them…maybe it’s their simplicity…hmm


  5. Posted by Sushi on September 9, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Where did you get this game from? It’s not in ri7ab. 80% of the shops there have never heard of it and its not available on :/


  6. ^ it’s available in the Marketplace under the Arcade games section.


  7. Posted by Sushi on September 10, 2008 at 11:23 am

    Mohammed, you mean in Ri7ab? Which marketplace?


  8. (Damn this is my third time posting the comment, I’m not sure why it’s not getting posted)

    No no not ri7ab, you do own a 360 right? When you sign in to the Xbox Live network, there is a section to download demos and downloadable games (called Arcade games), those are small games developed under a limited budget, therefore instead of releasing them as physical (disc) copies, the developer release them as a digital (DLable) copy with a low price, such as 10$ or 15$. Braid is included there, and costs 15$.

    Read more at Wikipedia (search XBLM in there).


  9. Posted by Sushi on September 11, 2008 at 8:19 am

    Mohammed, oh ok so the game “Braid” is not available on a physical disc copy. That explains it because no one had it in ri7ab or even heard of it.

    I’ll check it on Xbox live.



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